Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Noah!

You are now officially 1! And where do I even begin to sum up how amazing this year, having you in my life, has been for me. You are a total and complete joy, always with a smile, with such a sweet and sunny disposition. You make everyone you encounter happy because you are so friendly and loving. And I am completely and utterly blessed to watch each and every amazing thing that you do.
And what do you do? Well, you now "clap hands" and wave "bye bye" (Italian style). When you do these things, the look of joy and pride on your face is out of this world! You can stack the rings (not in order, but still....). You play "peek a boo". And you are just starting to figure out how to put the shapes in the sorter.
For breakfast you have fruit (apples or pears) and cereal. Lunch is a veggie - squash soup, sweet potato, peas - and more cereal. And dinner is yogurt, cheese and whatever we are eating. You've tried pasta, steak, chicken, carrots, peppers and of course ice cream cake on your birthday! You also love Cheerios. You never eat a lot and I'm often frustrated, wishing you'd eat more, but I try not to worry......
You take 2 naps a day - one at 11 and one at 4, and go to sleep at about 8:45 - you wake up between 8 and 8:30.
You love music and books - especially books with flaps to lift or pictures of babies.
You love Scooter.
You love Grandma and Grandpa.
You LOVE Conor and Chelsea.
You LOVE LOVE LOVE your daddy.
And I LOVE YOU!!! So much Noah, I could just burst with how much love I have for you.
Happy Birthday Monkey!

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